We are so excited that for your family to begin the educational journey at Eudora Schools! We appreciate the time and effort to help your student get off to a great start in their educational career. The application process serves as the first step in our journey together, and it is important to note that application does not equate to enrollment; enrollment for the upcoming summer session will begin this summer once your student has been accepted into the program. We can't wait to nurture a love for learning that will last a lifetime!
To apply to the Early Learning Center follow these steps:
Step One
This section is only for students who are NOT currently attending Eudora Schools but are indicating interest in registering.
Each student must complete an online registration using the link provided below. To register a NEW student, you will need a valid email address to create your account. This account will be separate from your PowerSchool Parent Portal account that will be set up during annual enrollment.
If you do not have access to register your NEW student online or would like assistance, please contact the main number at the learning center your student will be attending.
For NEW students who are not currently attending in our district please visit: register a NEW student for the 2024-2025 school year.
Step Two
New registration meetings are by appointment only. To make an appointment, please contact the Early Learning Center.
- Eudora Early Learning Center: 785-542-4920
Step Three
Before your student can attend Eudora Schools, the following items are required to be provided:
- Residency Verification
- In order to verify district residence, parents or guardians must provide a document showing Eudora residency. If you are moving into Eudora and your home and/or living quarters will not be ready until after your student needs to start school, you must apply for "Out of District" status.
- Proof of Identity
- According to K.S.A. 72-53,106, Kansas schools are required to collect proof of identity for students at the time of enrollment. According to state statute, proof of identity means:
- (A) In the case of a child enrolling in kindergarten or first grade, a certified copy of the birth certificate of the child or, as an alternative, for a child who is in the custody of the Kansas Secretary for Children and Families, a certified copy of the court order placing the child in the custody of the Secretary and, in the case of a child enrolling in any of the grades two through 12, a certified transcript or other similar pupil records or data; or
- (B) any documentary evidence that a school board deems to be satisfactory proof of identity.
- According to K.S.A. 72-53,106, Kansas schools are required to collect proof of identity for students at the time of enrollment. According to state statute, proof of identity means:
- Health Assessment Form
- Signed by a doctor. this could be the district's New Student Health Assessment form or whatever official form your doctor's office uses for a school health assessment. To download our form, please visit: New Student Health Assessment form.
- Immunization Record
- Showing that your student is current on vaccinations, as required by Kansas law.
- Grade card or check-out sheet
- A grade card from the previous school is helpful at enrollment time to determine appropriate classes for each student if enrolling in the middle of the year, a check-out sheet from the previous school must be presented to document both proper check-out and status of grades at the time of check-out
Please provide the following items where applicable
- Educational Access Permission Form
- Should you desire to allow another individual, who is not the legal parent/guardian for your student, access to your student's educational information, please complete the Educational Access Permission Form. By doing so, you are allowing this specific individual to have access to the educational records of your student, as well as permission to communicate specifically with school/district personnel regarding your student. To download our form, please visit: Educational Access Permission Form
- Student Medication Form
- This must be signed by a doctor if prescription medication is to be given to your child at school. To download our form, please visit: Student Medication Form
- Guardianship
- If the student is not living with the parent who has legal custody, guardianship papers must be submitted and notarized before any further enrollment takes place. This will need to be resubmitted each year.
- Divorce Decree.
- If the student's parents are divorced, present a copy of the section that states who has custody and who has residential custody. Without this documentation, the district must assume that both parents have equal parental rights.
Please bring the following paperwork before your student's first day of school:
- State Certified Birth Certificate
- New Student Health Assessment form
- Current Immunization Records
- Proof of Residency.
ASQ and ASQSE Screenings:
- Prior to the first day of school you will need to complete the ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire) and ASQE (Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional) form that will be sent to the email you provided at the time of your application.
After July 4th:
- Watch for the annual online registration to open in July.
- You may pay district fees.
- You may add lunch money to your student's account.
- You may fill out a free/reduced application (this is optional, but may help with other fees).
Frequently Asked Questions
- Does the school accept nonresident enrollments?
- What immunizations are required for my student to attend the ELC?
- Is technology in the district available to Early Childhood Students?
- Are there any after school options for my Early Childhood Student?